Hervey Bay Airport is conscious that aircraft activity has potential noise impacts on the community, particularly for residents immediately surrounding the airport.
While it is recognised by all parties that the airport has been operational in its current location since 1961, Hervey Bay Airport will attempt to respond to and address community concerns. It is important to keep in mind however that neither Council, nor the Airport, has control over the airspace and cannot force aircraft to follow any nominated flight paths.
The Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) of Airservices Australia (NCIS) has a complaint hotline (recorded message) where complaints can be recorded 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you would like to make a noise complaint or enquiry contact the NCIS:
Noise Complaints and Information Service
PO Box 211
Mascot NSW 1460
Information on aircraft noise and the complaint reporting process can be found at http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aircraftnoise/about-making-a-complaint/how-to-make-a-complaint/
The Airport's complaints volume as advised by the NCIS is low to negligible.
Hervey Bay Airport continues to encourage aircraft operators based at the airport to subscribe to a voluntary Fly Neighbourly Commitment and Council has endorsed a modification to the existing document to ensure it is more comprehensive.
Noise Abatement Procedures for inclusion in the Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) for Hervey Bay Airport have not been implemented.
The runway direction and type of procedure used is on each occasion the responsibility of the pilot in command. As the airspace surrounding Hervey Bay is uncontrolled, the pilot in command will determine at what point they enter or depart from the identified path.